How to write an eBook for your auto body shop

Auto body shop marketing solutions

We’ve talked a lot about calls to action and incentives that you can provide in order to convert your website visitors into leads.  Some of those incentives included special offers for your shop’s services, as well as the option of scheduling an appointment online.  The other type of incentive we talked about was the offer of downloadable material, which might be a simple one-sheet guide to the shops in your city or it could be something as big an eBook. 

Are you ready to try offering an eBook to your body shop website visitors?  At Stratosphere Studio, we’ve had a great deal of success with providing content in the form of an eBook on our clients’ websites.  If done well, your eBook could be equally successful, bringing you an increase in leads generated, as well as happy and more informed customers. 

If you’re ready to get to work on your first eBook, here are some tips for getting started:

auto body shop marketing

·         Wait until you have a decent number of blog posts under your belt.  If you’re new to content marketing and even lengthy writing in general, it would be tough to dive right into writing an eBook.  Instead, give yourself time to hone your writing skills.  Over time, you will develop your own writing voice, which can serve you well while writing your book.

·         Choose a topic that’s worthy of an eBook.  This can be pretty tough, so give it a lot of thought.  With blogs, it’s better to get to the specifics, since you have a brief platform upon which to share your information.  With an eBook, though, you have a lot of pages to fill, so it’s best to think in broader terms.  It’s also important that your topic be genuinely interesting and helpful to your website visitors, or else no one is going to feel inclined to download it.  If you’re not sure, ask your staff, neighbors, friends, and family for their opinions.  It never hurts to take a poll when you’re faced with this kind of dilemma.

·         Include all the visuals you can.  To keep your book visually interesting, be sure to include plenty of photos and diagrams.  Divide sections into chapters and use font changes to break up paragraphs.

auto body shop marketing

·         It’s okay to use segments from your blog posts.  If you’ve already addressed part of your topic in a blog, feel free to use that blog in your eBook.  There’s a good chance that your reader didn’t already come across your blog post prior to reading your eBook.  Plus, this will give you an opportunity to go into more detail, since you’ll have the additional space.

At Stratosphere Studio, we can develop excellent eBooks for your collision repair facility.
If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency to take your website to the next level, at Stratosphere Studio we can develop the perfect strategy for your auto body shop.  We can produce a comprehensive digital marketing proposal for you or provide individual services, such as website design, blogging, search engine optimization, and more.  We are offering low-cost trial packages that can match any shop’s budget.  We specialize in auto body shop marketing and work with some of the top shops across the country.  If you’re ready to bring more business to your shop, then click the link below.