Increasing your auto dealership traffic with blogging

Auto dealership marketing

If you haven’t started blogging for your auto dealership to increase website traffic, leads, and sales, then you are missing out on a huge opportunity for your business.  What’s stopping you?  If it’s time constraints, then take a look at our post on making time for blogging.  If it’s that you simply don’t know how to begin, then keep reading.  At Stratosphere Studio, we are experts in auto dealership marketing and can help get you started on the path to a successful content marketing campaign. 

Here’s how you can get the most out of blogging for your car dealership:

Auto dealership marketing

1.       Brainstorm your blog topics.
Unfortunately, it’s a little too easy to make mistakes when blogging, because it requires writing from your customers’ perspectives, rather than your own.  The trick is to write about topics that your customers genuinely care about.  Don’t make each blog entry simply an advertisement for your business.  Instead, become a valuable resource for your customers.  Think about the kinds of questions you field every day from customers and write those questions down.  You can probably come up with 25 great questions right off the top of your head, and that’s the perfect place to start with your blogging.

2.       Keep Google in mind.
While your auto dealership blogs are intended to function as a resource for your customers, they’re also a great opportunity to include keywords to help your shop rank higher in search engines.  While brainstorming, you wrote down the questions that your customers frequently ask.  To be most effective on Google, it’s important to phrase the questions exactly how your customers would ask them.  The reason for this is that you want to match the keyword phrasing that people will type into web searches.  When you use the right keyword phrasing, it can boost your rankings in Google.   

auto dealership marketing

3.       Write your heart out.
When you first start blogging for your auto dealership, keep in mind that both quality and quantity can make a difference.  Write as often as you can in the first 90 days—at least three times a week, if possible.  This will jumpstart your online presence and help you to start ranking in web searches right away.  You will see a major boost in your website traffic as early as one month into your blogging campaign.  After the initial jumpstart period, it’s okay to transition to as few as one blog per week in order to maintain your rankings.

For help with your auto dealership content marketing, give Stratosphere Studio a call.
If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency to take your website to the next level, at Stratosphere Studio we can develop the perfect strategy for your car dealership, auto repair shop, or auto body shop.  We can produce a comprehensive digital marketing proposal for you or provide individual services, such as website design, blogging, search engine optimization, and more.  We specialize in automotive marketing and work with some of the top shops across the country.  If you’re ready to bring more business to your dealership, contact us today.

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