With the many social media outlets available for body shops to use in their marketing these days, it can be confusing trying to figure out which ones to participate in. Of course you want to be as effective as possible in marketing your shop, but you don’t want to spread yourself and your marketing efforts too thin. It can be tempting to take part in every social network you can get your hands on, but that is a major mistake that we see many body shops make. The key to social media marketing is to pick and choose your outlets very carefully.
One of the most popular social sites this year is Instagram. It reaches a wide range of demographics and provides a unique opportunity for communication through the use of photography. If you are thinking about using Instagram in your collision repair marketing, here’s what you should consider:
Do you have the inclination?
If you feel like Instagram is something you “should” do, then maybe it’s time to re-think it. Platforms like Instagram weren’t built with the intention of providing boring marketing messages to people—there are plenty of other platforms to accomplish that. Instead, Instagram is about social interaction, creativity, and enjoyment. It’s important for you to view it as such in order to participate effectively.
Do you have enough time to spend on it?
If you are already finding yourself strapped to complete the day’s many tasks, then there’s a good chance that you don’t have time to fit another social media outlet into your day. Even if you squeezed five minutes in to upload a photo, would it be worth your while? In order to be successful in social media, including Instagram, you need to make it a real priority. That means spending decent chunks of time every week engaging with your followers and being a real online presence. If you want to make time to use Instagram because you believe it is a perfect outlet for your shop, then you should go for it!
What would you share?
Before you dive into Instagram, think about what kinds of photographs you would like to share. For instance, do you do a lot of custom work? Instagram would be a wonderful place to share the kind of craftsmanship your shop takes pride in. Do you enjoy showing before and after shots? Sure, Instagram would be the perfect place to show these photos. Do you want to use photos as a teaser to send people to your blog? Great idea!
Do you have questions about Instagram, social networking, and your collision repair marketing?
At Stratosphere Studio, we would be happy to answer any questions you might have. We can help you determine which social networks are best for your particular shop and how you can increase your followers quickly. We’ve done extensive research into what marketing techniques work specifically for businesses in the automotive industry, including auto body shops, auto repair shops, and auto dealerships. We would love to help you next!
[…] Stratosphere Studio: Should I use Instagram in my fixed ops […]