With more and more customers turning to the internet these days to research where to take their business, the opportunities for marketing your collision repair shop online can really pay off. One of the few times the web can be detrimental for your business, however, is when someone posts a...
Month: March 2014
5 things you should NEVER do in collision repair marketing
When it comes to marketing in any field (not just auto body repair), everyone believes he or she is an expert—just like plenty of at-home cooks think they are as good as professional chefs or garage band guitarists think they could rip a solo on stage like Slash. The reality...
5 easy and FREE ways to revitalize your stalled collision repair marketing
Are you at a point in the year when your auto body shop marketing efforts seem to have stalled? Maybe your website pageviews are flat-lining or your leads are down. Maybe you’re just not getting the number of customers that you did this time last year. You’re not alone—even the...
The top 5 websites to improve your collision repair marketing
If you are reading this right now, then you are clearly someone who cares about your auto body shop business and recognizes that marketing is hard work. You already understand that the best way to be successful in your marketing is to educate yourself as much as possible about what...