Anytime you Google inbound marketing and the benefits of blogging for your repair shop, you’re going to come across this age-old debate: quality vs. quantity. If you’re inexperienced in the marketing world, chances are you’re going to get frustrated reading pages and pages of content obsessing over this idea.
There’s always the question, “should I write more content that isn’t the strongest, or should I write less content of higher quality?” In a perfect world, we would tell you to write less content at super high quality. But unfortunately, it isn’t a perfect world and you’re going to have to put in some work for your blog.
Quality vs. Quantity When Blogging for Your Repair Shop
While this isn’t ideal, setting up your repair shop’s blog is going to take extreme effort and time. For you to grow your blog, you will need to spend lots of time researching topics related to your industry – this being the repair industry. Picking topics and ideas can seem a little daunting, but there are ways to beat the stress.
Being in the repair industry, your shop needs to focus on topics customers are searching for. A great way to come up with topics to write about is by brainstorming ideas. A lot of people find brainstorming intimidating, but here are some ways you can brainstorm a list of topics:
• Frequently Asked Questions
• Round Table Discussions
• What is happening in the industry
• Common Problems
• How To lists
• Google Autofill Searches
These are all solid ways for you to come up with ideas for content. Once you have a good handle on things you want to write about, comes the hard part. Blogging for repair shops is going to be about consistency.
When to Post when Blogging for Repair Shops
When you start blogging for repair shops, you should try to post at the very least once a week. If you have the time, you should try to post once every day until you have built up enough information your customers will appreciate when visiting your shop. You are basically building out your own Wikipedia page for your repair shop.
Once you have gotten to a point where your blog has covered enough topics, you can begin regularly posting once a week. As a rule, you should try to always post something at least once a week, however, this is where the quality vs. quantity comes into play. Just because we say you need to post once a week, does not mean you should post a short, silly, 300-word blog post. You want to be putting quality blogs out there every week.
Take your time and do your research. If you notice customers have been coming in asking very similar questions, write about it. If you’re seeing popular trends within your industry – write about it! As long as you are helping answer someone’s question or talking about a relevant subject, you’re all set. Try to stay away from blogs about recipes or lifestyle that don’t fit what your repair shop is about. If you’re interested in sharing news about your shop or funny topics, leave that to social media. Social media sites like Facebook are the perfect place to share information and topics that don’t fit into a question or answer, quality format.
Look at the Results
The only way you are going to be able to master the quality of your blogging for repair shops alongside the quantity is to consistently check results. This means having some analytics tools to help you see where your views are coming from, who’s clicking on what, and how they become leads. There are tools like Google Analytics and Hubspot that allow you to do just these things. By using these tools, you will be able to see what title and content format are working best for your blog. If something isn’t quite working, you can regroup and make changes where they are needed.
How We Can Help
At Stratosphere Studio, we have a dedicated team of blogging experts. Our writers are able to become experts in the repair industry’s field. Every day, we are looking up new topics that are relevant and interesting for consumers of shops just like yours. We also have access to Hubspot as well as trained employees in Google Analytics. If you’re interested in blogging for your repair shop, but just don’t have the time or ability, reach out! We’d love to talk to you about your shop’s needs. Our team is always ready to take on another project. Just click the button below!
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