Top 5 tips and tricks for generating fresh blog content for your collision repair shop

If you have been blogging for your auto body shop for a while—let’s say six months or more—you have likely suffered from a case of writer’s block at some point in there.  It’s inevitable when you do any sort of long-term writing, so be assured that you’re not alone in...

Collision repair marketing and the anatomy of a good blog

When you’ve been writing blogs for your collision repair shop for a few years, it becomes second nature to craft content that your online readers will value.  You begin to find inspiration for blog posts in your daily activities and you develop a schedule for writing and posting that works...

No time? Here's how to prioritize your collision repair marketing strategies.

At Stratosphere Studio, we work with many auto body shops, so we’ve met numerous shop owners who have reached their wits’ ends when it comes to marketing.  Too many of you are strapped for time, since you’re pulling double- and even triple-duty, taking on everything from servicing customers to hiring...

Why is storytelling important in collision repair marketing?

In marketing your collision repair shop, you might feel compelled to stand by the old impersonal methods of communication that many other auto body shops have been delivering to consumers for decades.  Maybe you believe that it will impress customers and help you look more professional.  Maybe you’re simply out...

Google+ vs. Facebook: which social network is better for collision repair marketing?

At Stratosphere Studio, we’ve run across a number of auto body shops in which the owner is wearing multiple hats: performing customer service, repairing vehicles, handling financial paperwork, and so much more.  On top of all that, you are likely the solo marketing department for your shop, which leaves you...

Tips and tricks for boosting your collision repair marketing leads fast

It can happen to even the biggest and best collision repair shops: you’re coasting along through the month when all of a sudden you see your number of new internet leads dropping quickly.  It can be disconcerting when this happens—especially if your lead numbers aren’t even coming close to your...

What to do if your collision repair shop gets a bad online review

With more and more customers turning to the internet these days to research where to take their business, the opportunities for marketing your collision repair shop online can really pay off.  One of the few times the web can be detrimental for your business, however, is when someone posts a...

5 things you should NEVER do in collision repair marketing

When it comes to marketing in any field (not just auto body repair), everyone believes he or she is an expert—just like plenty of at-home cooks think they are as good as professional chefs or garage band guitarists think they could rip a solo on stage like Slash.  The reality...

5 easy and FREE ways to revitalize your stalled collision repair marketing

Are you at a point in the year when your auto body shop marketing efforts seem to have stalled?  Maybe your website pageviews are flat-lining or your leads are down.  Maybe you’re just not getting the number of customers that you did this time last year.  You’re not alone—even the...

The top 5 websites to improve your collision repair marketing

If you are reading this right now, then you are clearly someone who cares about your auto body shop business and recognizes that marketing is hard work.  You already understand that the best way to be successful in your marketing is to educate yourself as much as possible about what...